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Born and raised with his extended family on the Waanyi / Garawa Land Trust,
Alec is from the Doomadgee community in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
He is also a descendant of Waanyi, Garawa and Gangalidda tribes.
Involved in Native Title issues and is chairman for the Waanyi PBC.
In 2008, he appeared in the short film, Joonba then later
Benjamin Sniddlegrass and the Cauldron of Penguins.
He also played the role of Wesley, Grace's husband in episode 1 of Redfern Now.
He made another appearance in the series in episode "Starting Over"
this time as Koorioke Announcer and recurring roles as Darana in the 2017 series, Cleverman. Doomadgee was the driving force behind the acclaimed 2016 documentary, Zach's Ceremony which took ten years to make. It covered his son's initiation into tribal lore. Doomadgee both directed and produced the film
which was shown at New York's Margaret Mead Film Festival
He received a Best Documentary Award for the film
at the 2016 Byron Bay Film Festival.

Alec Doomadgee
Australian Film Actor / Heart Care Ambassador
Alec is passionate to find the cure to (CHD) Congenital Heart Disease for all the Children and his loved ones who have lost their battle and for the Children and Parents who battle everyday.
The Shaun Miller Foundation Ambassador.

'We Help Mend Broken Hearts'
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