
Steve Baker was drafted in the 1998 AFL Draft at pick 27
in a second round pick to the St Kilda Football Club.
Baker played in St Kilda’s 2004 Wizard Home Loans Cup winning side
St Kilda's second pre-season cup win.
In 2005, he won the Trevor Barker Award which is Stkilda's Best and Fairest.
Previous to this his best ranking was third in 2004
on 28 May 2005, Baker and teammate Fraser Gehrig played their
100th and 200th AFL games respectively.
Baker played in St Kilda’s 2008 AFL National Australia Bank Cup winning side
St Kilda Football Club’s 3rd AFL Cup Win.
Baker played in 21 of 22 matches in the 2009 season's home and away rounds
in which St Kilda qualified in first position for the finals series
winning the club’s third minor premiership.
St Kilda qualified for the 2009 grand final
after qualifying and preliminary finals wins
Baker played in the 2009 AFL Grand Final in which St Kilda
were defeated by 12 points.
The athletic Baker has caused some controversy during his career
playing as a tagger (run with) player rather than a set position player.
He used a variety of tactics to prevent his opponent from getting the ball
including standing on their feet and repeated hits to their arm.
Baker was selected in St Kilda's two grand final matches
against Collingwood in 2010.
As of the end of the 2010 season, Baker had played in 11 AFL finals
matches including three Grand Finals.
Following St Kilda's elimination final defeat on 10 September 2011
St Kilda announced that Baker's playing career with the club was ending.
Initially the club said that Baker was retiring but,after this was denied by Baker
the club later issued a reworded statement
regarding Baker and several other players.
Baker was regarded as one of the most efficient and toughest taggers
in the league but often stretched the rules.
leading to a very high number of tribunal appearances and suspensions.
He was suspended for a total of 28 matches during his AFL career.
Baker now travels the world and Lives Life to the Fullest as Shaun would say!
he has various online businesses that he promotes
and is very passionate about helping others
and finding the cure to Childhood Congenital. Heart Disease
for all the Children who have lost their battle
and for the Children who battle with it every day.
He is a highly valued Ambassador of the
Shaun Miller Foundation.
'We Help Mend Broken Hearts'

Steven Baker
The Shaun Miller Foundation